The Road to the Best Chocolate Milk

We continue to be amazed by the camaraderie and extensive network among small businesses in the greater Charleston area. There is a sense that everyone genuinely wants to help one another develop and succeed by providing any and all clients with memorable experiences. These relationships extend beyond just business or social media interaction. It develops personally into emails, texts, and phone calls to celebrate small victories or more importantly, to provide support during hard times. It was this concept that paved the road for some ordinary guys salvaging and repurposing materials in Charleston, SC to tasting arguably the world’s best chocolate milk only a short hour drive away in Bowman, SC. After consulting with Jess Beran, owner of Dance Moves Studio and close friend, she advised us to post items on the Facebook Marketplace. After selling a few pieces, we received a message from Melissa Crisp, an interested client who was having a house built and in need of a rustic mantle. Her builder, Bo Kennedy with Absolute Home Services, installed the mantle and eventually was contracted by the Brooks Family to build their house in Bowman, SC. The Brooks’ Family desired unique sliding doors and with a reference from the contractor, we got the call. During the initial consultation with Josh Brooks, we learned about his involvement with Lowcountry Creamery and exchanged hats. That was the day we began our friendship and created yet another source on whom to rely for business advice. Several weeks later during installation of the doors, we were treated to the creamy, rich chocolate milk we speak so highly of. This is just one of many stories where we can road map how one conversation, one job, one encounter, etc. led to another and another and even to a lasting friendship. Here is what we have found to be true in our short history. If you connect with people and help build their vision, then you will have many rewards that can take any form, such as Lowcountry Creamery chocolate milk. They take the form of friendships, New England Patriot and Tom Brady fan talk, pumpkin bread, and handwritten notes from the kids, just to name a few. The most exciting part is that these are merely the small stops along the paved road and not the destination. There will surely be another great surprise waiting at the next job, and Piece of Work is looking forward to what awaits.